Sunday 5 February 2012

Gang aft agley...

Not my greatest success with the planning this weekend, largely thwarted by the weather.  Not been out training all week (partly the cold, partly sloth) but was still keen to do the marathon I had planned for the weekend.  The first blow was the massive drop in temperatures but I got my gear ready to combat that. 

Next, there was a notification from the organisers that the time limit for the event had been reduced.  On the advice of the Red Cross (whose volunteers were assisting) the maximum race time was cut by 30 minutes.  The new maximum was now less than my best time in ideal conditions.  So now I planned to swap to the half marathon event. 

In the end, though, I never even set off.  The sight of a car moving sedately down the hill sideways on the packed snow meant I balked at making the same attempt.  And with the ground so slippery underfoot, I don't want to risk walking out there, let alone running.

It's gonna be a quiet week...

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