Saturday, 22 December 2018

Ten miles

It's been an eventful few days,

I was walking in to work on Wednesday after the intervals and, to be honest, my calves were  sore but not in an unpleasant way.  Suddenly, something felt like it dropped in my right calf and it became very painful to extend the leg.  I wasn't doing anything, didn't step in a hole or move awkwardly.  And, yes, I did some decent stretching after the intervals.
That meant I didn't run as planned on Wed night and, in fact, it was still sore but improving on Friday.
When I set out today for my long run, there was still a little twinge but I had full range of motion and nothing beyond a background ache.  This, I thought, would be fine and if it flared up, I'd just stop and walk back.  Happily, this turned out not to be a problem.

The first 2k was hard.  Much harder than usual.  It felt like I had no energy and it was really difficult to keep going.  I took a little breather half way up the hill and sat on a bench for 40 or 50 seconds before continuing.

The house as viewed from the rise.
The view from the spot I took a breather
 This seemed to do the trick and the rest of the run was manageably hard.  I continue to walk some uphill sections but this doesn't bother me at this stage.

Mist-shrouded at midday in Gloucestershire
The mist still covers the valleys
 I made it out to 10 miles a full two weeks ahead of schedule on my plan.  This means I have plenty of wiggle room for injuries or other setbacks.  A good position to be in.  I was feeling some pressure in the last mile or so on the end of my toes, especially on the left foot. Going to check out nails, sock and shoes to see what I can do.

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